In ET Lab, we understand fear and violence in depth. We mastered the development of fighters for years. Now we shifted our energy to develop the urban warriors.
We study the combat of science through analyzing and investigating human behavior, fear, and defensive tactics from physical and mental prospective to provide effective solutions to real problems such as street fight confrontation, multiple attackers, and attacks with weapons.
This course is the solid foundation of the SBS Advance and Train the Trainer courses. Trainees will learn the basics of the system and the fundamental skills sufficient for self-defense, as well as developing the emotional stability necessary for survival battles when dealing with sudden attacks.
After successfully passing the SBS – Basic course, the Trainee will enter the stage of mastering various skills of the system. He/she will be trained to deal with more than one aggressive opponent, sharp weapons and implement survival skills effectively.
This course is intended for those who want to pursue a career in ET Lab systems in general and SBS in particular. The Trainee will learn the training methods to graduate as a professional Trainer in this field.
Short but highly effective course for the use of Tactical Pen for self-defense and SBS defense system against Knifes. By the end of the course, the Trainee will be able to defend him/herself using the tactical pen against different types of sharp weapons.
Emotional Stability and Fear Management are the main core in building a fighter, and ET Lab is the main source of this field in the region. The Trainee will be able to understand the psychology of fear and the ways to deal with it in an effective and tactical manner.